7 Insanely Good Productivity Hacks For ADHD

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When it comes to ADHD and Productivity, I have the best productivity hacks that will get you up and going in no time!

adhd freezing

All you need for getting productivity down is to have the right tools in your arsenal. Project management is so important for ADHD and these tips are going to make all the difference!

This post is all about ADHD and Productivity!

​My Top 7 Tips For ADHD and Productivity

1. Use The Pomodoro Technique To Build Up Focus

The Pomodoro method includes working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. Breaking up your large tasks with short breaks can be the perfect solution for the unfocused ADHD brain. 

I love the Pomodoro technique because it can help you focus longer when you know you can finish in 25 minutes. This can trick your brain into focusing for longer than you planned after you start and work on building your focus.

My Recommendations:

2. Turn On White Noise

​When focusing on a specific task you will need to help your ADHD brain by giving the distracted part of your brain something to listen to. White noise can help to focus longer and be more efficient with your brain. 

I love white noise for focusing during a hard time or when working on a larger project that takes a long time to focus on. 

My Recommendations:

productivity hacks for adhd

3. Brain Dump Before You Get Started

Get all your thoughts onto paper to help you gain motivation to get to your next task. You have unique needs and making productivity strategies starts with getting everything out of your head. Brain fog and quick-moving thoughts can make you feel like there is no way you can complete any task or think properly. Having a brain dump can be one of the biggest productivity tools in your arsenal. 

See also  7 Tips For Working Out With ADHD

One common symptom of ADHD is getting scatterbrained and that can make it feel impossible to get anything done. When you have a quick brain dump, then your brain will be a little more organized and it is easier to see what really needs to be done versus what can wait. Think about what is one small thing that has been bothering you (for me it is usually the dishes) and get those done first! This will help to clear your brain and not make you feel so overwhelmed by everything!

My Recommendations:

  • For the rest of the day your brain will be clearer and easier to work with.
  • Go to a quiet place to clear your brain. Try sitting on your front porch or in the bathroom if you need a retreat. 
productivity hacks for adhd

4. Break Down Your Important Tasks Into Smaller Tasks

When you have a list of small and easy tasks it will become so obvious and easy to get the list done. Lists are a great way to organize adhd brains! You have got to make a new system when it comes to ADHD and productivity, so figuring out what tasks to do and when can help reorganize your brain to be more productive. Make specific goals with your smaller tasks so you can reward yourself along the way!

Try to break up your smaller tasks to where they all take about the same length of time. You don’t want one task to take 2 hours and the other to take 5 minutes. If you have to have varying lengths of time then try to organize them from smallest to biggest so that you can build momentum! 

See also  7 Reasons People With ADHD Like Routine (And Why They Should)

My Recommendations:

  • Make a to-do list for everything! To-do lists are the best way to organize adhd brains. 
  • Keep a journal or a small notepad around or in your bag so you can make to-do lists on your way home or when you are out and about so that you don’t have to do any mental work when you get ready to do your tasks!

5. Drink Plenty Of Water (To Take Short Breaks)

Water is my biggest secret when it comes to ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Cold water will help with your anxiety and depression and help calm your vagus nerve. The biggest reason drinking water helps is because you get plenty of breaks! When you are drinking water, you will have a few seconds while you are studying or working to cool down and hydrate, and then when you have drank enough, you will need to use the restroom! Restroom breaks are great because you have to get up and walk and then in the actual bathroom you aren’t doing anything that is work-related!

My Recommendations:

how to be productive with adhd

6. Use A Digital Clock Instead Of An Analog Clock To Keep Track Of Time

Digital clocks are great for people with ADHD because you can read them without thinking. I love a beautiful analog clock, but I find that it prevents me from focusing when I am constantly trying to read the clock as it doesn’t come as second nature to me. If you are older, an analog clock might be second nature and there is no problem, but if you are a young adult or teenager I would recommend a digital clock. 

See also  9 Unexpected Ways ADHD Is Sabotaging Your Life As A Woman

My Recommendations:

7. Pick The Cleanest Place In Your House And Work There

Choosing a work environment can be challenging because you will get too distracted if it is dirty, but if it is clean, you might not feel inspired. So you have to choose the right environment for you and what you are working on. For me, the cleanest room is always the best!

My Recommendations: 

  • A common room like the living room or kitchen table is a great place to be productive. I like to sit on my couch so that I have people walking around me and seeing what I am doing. It helps me to stay focused when I know others will watch me if I give up. 
  • If you have an organized desk, try to clean around it so that no matter where your eyes bounce when working it will be semi-clean. 

This post was all about ADHD and Productivity!

I am so passionate about ADHD and productivity that I advise people every day on what they can do to be more productive. If you have an extended period to get some stuff done, then read more about executive functioning and educate yourself on why it is hard for you to focus and get larger projects done!

Here is a YouTube short I made about executive function that I think will help you come to terms with your struggles with productivity and make you feel better overall!

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