ADHD cant get anything done

25 Reasons You Can’t Get Anything Done With ADHD And How To Fix It

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I can guarantee if you have ADHD then you would know the feeling of ADHD can’t get anything done!

ADHD cant get anything done

As someone who struggles with ADD I understand entirely how hard it is to get anything done when you have time and energy to do it.

For some reason, it is always when you have no energy or time when your to-do list is actually due!

This post is all about how to get things done with ADHD!

Why Is It Impossible To Be Productive?

I’m gonna assume you have ADHD if you are reading this. Because of this you probably feel like it is impossible to be productive.

The infamous “I have ADHD, and I can’t get anything done!” is probably flashing in your brain most days.

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you’ve gotta find what words and change your mindset.

I know as much as you that it’s not the getting started but sticking with a task that is so difficult with attention issues.

There are many things you can do and try to incorporate into your routine to help with your productivity, but these things might not be catered to people with ADHD.

That’s why it’s essential to find methods that take into account your ADHD and leverage its strengths.

adhd cant get anything done

For instance, breaking larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks can help. Using tools like timers can create a sense of urgency that might help you stay focused. Regular breaks can also give your mind the rest it needs to recharge and refocus.

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Remember, it’s not about forcing yourself to fit into a productivity mold designed for neurotypical brains. It’s about finding what works for you, leveraging your strengths, and creating a personalized productivity system that respects your unique way of processing information.

So next time you catch yourself thinking, “I have ADHD, and I can’t get anything done,” remember: it’s possible to be productive with ADHD. It might just look a little different than what you’re used to.

Does ADHD Have Anything To Do With Intelligence?

ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. It’s important to clarify that ADHD doesn’t directly correlate with intelligence. A person with any IQ level—high, average, or low—can also have ADHD.

However, ADHD symptoms might affect performance on IQ tests. This doesn’t imply that individuals with ADHD are less intelligent, but their condition could impact their performance on standardized intelligence tests.

adhd cant get anything done

Interestingly, individuals with ADHD and high IQ often perform better in school than those with average or low IQs, suggesting that high IQ can help offset some of the challenges associated with ADHD.

In summary, while ADHD may impact certain cognitive functions, it doesn’t determine a person’s intelligence. Individuals with ADHD can be found across the full range of intelligence, and many lead successful lives despite their condition.

How To Get Things Done With ADHD:

  1. Start your day with something relaxing and pleasurable: This can set a positive tone for the day, reducing anxiety and stress levels.
  2. Break down your tasks into tiny subtasks: It’s easier to focus on small tasks rather than large, overwhelming ones.
  3. Use the Twin Bell setup: A loud, traditional alarm clock can be more effective for waking up on time.
  4. Write faster by transcribing your thoughts: If you find it hard to write, speak out your thoughts and transcribe them later.
  5. Treat your ADHD symptoms: Consult a healthcare professional for appropriate treatments.
  6. Increase friction for bad habits: Make it harder to do things you want to stop doing, like leaving your phone in another room if you want to stop constantly checking it.
  7. Try meditation: Regular meditation can help increase focus and reduce anxiety.
  8. Learn about yourself: Understanding your patterns can help you manage your symptoms better.
  9. Break tasks into smaller bits: This can make tasks feel less overwhelming and more manageable.
  10. Minimize distractions: Reduce noise and clutter in your environment to maintain focus.
  11. Use brain dumps: Write down all your thoughts and ideas at once to clear your mind and maintain concentration.
  12. Prioritize tasks: Focus on essential tasks first and delegate when possible.
  13. Use creative worksheets for time management: Visual aids can help keep track of time and tasks.
  14. Explore productivity methods: Methods like the Pomodoro technique can help improve focus and efficiency.
  15. Treat managing your ADHD like an experiment: Try different strategies and note what works best for you.
  16. Implement productivity rules specific to ADHD brains: Work in short bursts with regular breaks.
  17. Practice mindfulness: This can help you stay present and focused.
  18. Leverage tools for ADHD: There are numerous apps and tools designed specifically for individuals with ADHD to boost productivity.
  19. Optimize your environment: A clean, organized space can enhance focus and productivity.
  20. Review and adjust your strategies: Keep refining your strategies based on what’s working and what’s not.
  21. Develop a consistent sleep routine: Adequate rest is crucial for maintaining energy and focus throughout the day.
  22. Engage in regular physical activity: Exercise can boost mood and energy levels.
  23. Incorporate a balanced diet: Proper nutrition can support overall health and energy levels.
  24. Practice regular self-care: Taking time to relax and recharge can help manage stress and prevent burnout.
  25. Seek support: Don’t hesitate to ask for help from professionals or join ADHD support groups for advice and encouragement.
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Well, There You Go

This post was all about “ADHD cant get anything done”!

I hope y’all enjoyed this post and that you learned something new and useful.

You are stronger than you think just for looking for help.

You can get anything done that you set your mind to and that you find important!

Remember to always put on some shoes and put your hair up to study or get shit done (that’s my favorite hack!)

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