depression shower

9 Hacks On How To Shower When Depressed

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One of the hardest things to do when depressed is showering! These 9 tips for showering when depressed will completely change that!

shower with depression

I know how hard it is to complete seemingly simple tasks when going through depression. Having some strategies that you can rely on will continue to make it easier as time goes on.

9 Hacks For Showering When Depressed

1. Just Wash Your Hair

One of the best ways to prevent feeling gross and dirty with depression is to keep your hair clean. So stick your head in your sink or tub and get to washing!

This can be great for many people with sensory issues because you aren’t getting your whole body wet but just washing your head. Washing your hair can also make you feel more confident when presenting yourself! If you go to work with dirty hair, then you might feel self-conscious, and then you might feel more depressed.

2. Keep It Stupid Simple

This is called the K.I.S.S. method! Keep your shower routine simple and easy. Maybe you dread showering because you don’t want to shave… If it is winter then you are in the free and clear! Throw on some leggings and a sweatshirt; you don’t need to shave your legs! Here is my review of my favorite Amazon dupe for Lululemon align leggings if you are interested in Lululemon quality for under $30!

Keep only a few products in your shower and ensure you love them. Use up the products you don’t love so that you can keep using the ones that you do. This will help simplify your routine and make you enjoy your shower experience much more.

showering depressed

My Recommendations:

  • Keep Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a razor, and that is all. If you like to exfoliate, keep it in a cabinet or something so you can access it, but it won’t overwhelm you with dread if you aren’t in the mood for it!
  • Since one of the biggest symptoms of depression is executive dysfunction… Don’t have multiple bottles of shampoo or conditioner. If you do, decide what shampoo you’d like to use before your shower so you don’t break down in the middle of your shower.
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3. Don’t Worry About Clothes

If you are going straight to bed after a shower, then don’t even think about the clothes. I know that it can be super annoying to put on clothes after a shower and that can build up dread for the shower itself. So when you are building up courage to shower, don’t even worry about it. Take it one step at a time!

My Recommendations:

Showering with depression

4. Throw One Outfit In The Wash

THIS is my favorite hack. When you can’t get yourself to do a whole load of laundry and put it all away, just put one outfit (of your favorite clothes) in the wash.

Washing just one outfit that you know you love will force you to shower because if you want to be able to wear the clothes multiple times, then you will want to be clean when you put them on so they last.

Another tip is to have extras of your staple pieces like a few leggings and sweatshirts, that always look good together, and you can wear them at home or out and about.

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5. If You Have Other Things To Do, I Give You Permission To Shower First

Getting things done that are bothering you is going to clear your mind! You won’t be able to be productive in anything else if you have tasks on your plate that are weighing you down.

Here is a tik tok I made all about doing things that clear your mind before you do your big things!

@thebadalsorises Quick adhd tip when youre having trouble focusing! #adhd #adhdhacks ♬ original sound – Caroline Archer

I think it is so important to have a clear mind to get other things done in your life. You need to get your shower out of the way to be able to get other things done!

depression shower

6. Write Down Every Step Of The Showering Process

Writing down every last step of your shower will help you prepare mentally for the task without getting overwhelmed.

Once you have all the steps written out, walk yourself through them and imagine yourself doing them. Visualization can be so powerful when you are building up motivation and courage to do something.

7. Turn On A Heater Or Fan In The Bathroom (Make it comfortable)

Making your shower more comfortable can help with getting motivation. I know that I get a mental block when thinking about drying off after the shower and getting so cold. So I like to turn on a space heater in the bathroom so that I don’t get too cold.

My Recommendations:

8. Take A Bath If That Is Easier

Sitting in the bathtub and soaking in the water is sometimes easier than standing in the shower. I highly recommend washing your hair in the shower but then getting in the bath for the rest. Bathing can warm you up from the inside out and refresh you after a hard day.

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If you have a shower seat this would also be a great option! Sometimes it can be nice to stand for a few minutes in the shower and then sit for the rest of it.

My Recommendations:

  • Be gentle with yourself if you need to shower and you can’t get yourself to do it.
  • Get a cup to keep in your bath just in case you need to take a bath and use it to rinse yourself off with clean water.

9. Take A Sectional Shower

By the sectional shower, I mean washing your hair in the sink or tub, wiping your armpits with a washcloth, using baby wipes on other body parts, and scrubbing your face in the sink. You can do all these things at different times if you don’t have enough energy to complete it!

My Recommendations:

This post was all about how to shower when depressed!

Next time you are in the throws of depression, try out these tips and let me know how they work out for you! Your executive function might be off when you are depressed, but these tips should help you out!

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