Water For Managing ADHD

Unlock the Benefits of Water for Managing ADHD

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Want to learn about the benefits of water for managing ADHD? Come with me to learn about the best ways to use water for managing ADHD!

Water for Managing ADHD

About two years ago, I saw a YouTube video on how to improve productivity, and one of the tips was to drink water. This seemed easy enough for me, and it gave me a final nudge to actually try drinking enough water.

By that time, I was taking ADHD medication only a few times a week, and I was still struggling on the days when I didn’t take it. However, I started noticing a significant difference on the days when I would drink plenty of water throughout the day.

This post is all about water for managing adhd!

Why Does Water Help With ADHD?

More Water = Plenty of Breaks

One immediate plus for me was that when I drank plenty of water, I would have built-in breaks when I was allowed to get up and use the restroom. I notice that I need a lot of breaks to be productive when I’m having a more challenging day.

Just getting up and moving for a second and allowing my brain to roam around is super nice when I struggle to focus.

water for managing your adhd

More breaks mean more time for your brain to process what you have consumed. If you are studying, then drinking plenty of water will draw your study time out a little longer and give you a calmer experience.

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I notice that when I spend more time on one question or problem, it is super easy to recall later. Try taking water breaks during each one of your questions so that you have plenty of time to consume it!

I also don’t beat myself up over this because I have come to a place where I try to treat myself like I treat others, and if my friend told me they couldn’t focus and needed more breaks than normal, I would for sure tell them that they need breaks and time to rest for recuperation. 

Water Helps Me Work Better

Growing up, you’re always told to drink plenty of water, get plenty of sleep, and eat the right foods.

Water is what flushes out old neurons in your brain (if I remember from my psychology class last year), and it is vital to supporting your brain health in general. 

It made complete sense to me when I started researching water and ADHD that if you’re dehydrated, your symptoms are likely to be worse. 

I am able to think more quickly, clearly, and for a longer period of time when I am well hydrated. 

Water is an absolute game changer when it comes to a variety of ADHD symptoms. It is not a cure or anything, but staying hydrated is one great way to improve your productivity.

water for managing adhd

More Productive Habits Can Get You Out Of A Slump

I notice when I am productive in one area of my life, that other areas start to run more smoothly. Starting healthy habits can really help us to respect ourselves more and increase our self-worth. 

See also  7 Reasons People With ADHD Like Routine (And Why They Should)

Treating your body well gives you even more reason to treat yourself well in other areas. By doing this, your self-empathy will increase, and I noticed that my procrastination dramatically decreased. 

I’m not saying water will directly aid your procrastination, but it for sure can help you create positive habits that in turn, help you become more productive. 

When you create one habit, that can cause a chain reaction and allow you to continue working on other habits.

Once you gain momentum in one area of your life, it helps you to move forward in another!

Don’t get bogged down by trying to do too much. Starting with a simpler (and free) habit can help you train yourself to be a habit queen!

Water for Managing ADHD

Brain Health Is ADHD Management

Keeping your brain healthy is vital if you want to manage ADHD symptoms. Taking care of your mental and physical health can really help if you are trying to live a more enhanced version of your life. 

Water is a simple way to keep you on the right track and can potentially be a gateway into other healthy habits. This is why I try to drink at least a bottle of water a day. I know that doesn’t seem like a lot, but it is much better for me than only drinking sugary drinks.

Having a small goal, like drinking a bottle or cup of water that you wouldn’t normally drink, can really help you build momentum and is so much better for you than beating yourself up over not being able to drink 64 oz a day. 

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Water is one of the most essential parts of your well-being, so drinking plenty of water gives your body the tools it needs to operate correctly!

I think having a big straw is the key to getting enough water during the day, which is why I love my Simple Modern 40 oz water bottle. It is stainless steel, so it keeps the contents super cold forever! I love this water bottle, and it is my pride and joy. I keep it with me wherever I go! I love that it fits in my car cupholder, too!

Well, There You Go!

This post was all about water for managing ADHD!

If you have any other tips for managing your ADHD, leave them below! We are all about helping each other out and learning more ways to support ourselves!

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Don’t forget that you are not alone and that it always gets better. Stick along for this journey so we can learn together!

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