11 Weird Reasons Depression Is Worse In The Morning
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I hate when I wake up in the morning feeling like my depression is worse than when I went to bed, and that is why I am writing down my best tips!

I am hoping that this post has a few tips that you have never heard of or that you have forgotten about (and I would be surprised if none of these helped you out!)
These are some of my favorite ways to help my depression and why they work so well!
This post is all about why depression is worse in the morning!
Biggest Reasons Depression Can Feel Worse In The Morning
Depression can often feel worse in the morning due to a variety of factors:
Poor Sleep Quality:
Sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea, where you stop and start breathing during the night, can lead to depression.
There are not many things you can do to fix your poor sleep quality after a bad night’s sleep, but to prevent a stormy night’s sleep… THAT I can help with!
Don’t take naps throughout the day so that you are actually tired at the end of the day. No matter how sleepy you are, try to postpone a nap as long as possible!
Make sure to use not only your body throughout the day but also your brain. Make sure you’re getting physical and mental exercise by doing some things that are mentally challenging. The best way I have found to do this is to journal, do some math homework, or do something that you have been afraid of!
Making sure that your brain is tired is one major part of going to sleep and getting good sleep at night.

Diurnal Mood Variation:
This is a type of depression where people wake up feeling very depressed but feel slightly better over time.
One way that you can help this is to get sunlight immediately! Natural light can have a positive effect on mood and energy. If possible, spend some time outside during the day, preferably in the morning. If natural sunlight isn’t available, consider using a light therapy box.
Another great way to do this is to immediately turn on an overhead light when you wake up. Maybe even light a candle to add a nice aroma to the room along with some extra calming light.
I have seen many people use the hatch alarm clock to help with their S.A.D.
Poor Nutrition:
Eating non-nutritious meals can exacerbate feelings of depression.
Some easy fixes to this are smoothies that you keep in your fridge, granola bars, and leafy greens with beans!
I know that eating healthy foods can seem overwhelming because I feel overwhelmed trying to decipher all the info that is consumed online.
Do some simple A/B testing by comparing how you feel after you eat food A versus food B and decide what your body needs the most! A great trick though is to try spending 80% of your grocery store trip on the outside of the aisles and not going down the aisles because that will help you stick to whole foods that are all very healthy for you. Try to get a variety of whole foods to meet all of your nutritional needs.
Feelings of Hopelessness or Worthlessness:
These are common symptoms of morning depression.
Self-care is a great way to combat this by showing yourself that you are not worthless. Journaling, washing your face, and eating a big healthy breakfast can really show you that you are really worth the time and effort.
If you want to read more about self-care, that’s kinda what this whole blog is about! Here is one of my favorite posts that can get you going!
Honestly, I would recommend talking to a professional because they have many more tools than I have, and they can give you personalized treatment.

Sleep Disturbances:
Insomnia can worsen depression, and I cannot give you any advice on how to help your insomnia.
But if you would like to read more about it, here is an article from the Mayo Clinic on simple techniques to improve your insomnia.
A few of my favorite tips from that article are to ensure you have a proper temperature in your room, keep the light out, and turn on a noise machine.
I also like to wear socks and put my hair up so it isn’t in my face!
Limited Light Exposure:
Lack of exposure to natural light can contribute to depression.
Open up some windows, sit on your porch or balcony, or go for a walk in the park as often as you can.
On your work break, try to sit outside if that is possible and get some extra sunlight.
I like to keep an extra outfit in my car and my bedroom for outside and inside temperatures so that if I need to change to match the weather outside, I can!
High Inflammation Levels:
Inflammation in the body can affect mood and lead to depression.
Here is a great Harvard article about foods that can help lower your inflammation!
I think the basic diet that might be helpful is the Mediterranean diet or the diet of people who live in blue zones (where people live the longest).
My favorite part of the Mediterranean diet is using as many spices and herbs as possible!
Using spices and herbs can increase the different benefits of your food and make it way more flavorful!

Disruptions in Circadian Rhythm:
Disruptions in our circadian rhythm can make depression feel worse in the mornings.
Light therapy is great for this kind of thing! Again, use the Hatch Alarm clock because it will be great to give you some light right away.
What really sucks about sleep is that it should be completely dark while you sleep (which usually means closed doors, windows, and curtains), but when you wake up, you want light everywhere!
One way to fix this is using a sleeping mask so that you can take it off right when you wake up so you get light right away, and there is no need to have blackout curtains.
Middle-of-the-night Insomnia or Early Morning Awakening:
These can be symptoms of depression in middle-aged adults. One way to help with this is have a routine for if you wake up in the middle of the night. Maybe that means you immediately take 1/2 of a melatonin or you get up and do a few things to relax your mind like journaling or light yoga.
Earplugs are my favorite hack for this! (…and going to the bathroom right before bed)
I have a whole blogpost on earplugs and my love for them because they are honestly my favorite life hack for any sense of overwhelm.

Negative Cycle Between Depression and Sleep:
Poor sleep can exacerbate depression, leading to a negative cycle that can be challenging to break.
Now this is more of a reminder to get good sleep. Use some of the tips in the previous examples to get some extra ideas. I love to have my socks on, earplugs in, AC turned up, and multiple blankets on! You can also have some nighttime rituals that allow you to relax and enjoy your sleep.
Having a sleep routine can be super helpful and remind your body when it is time actually to go to bed. Maybe you need to take a bath everynight or do some nighttime yoga.
Here are some ideas for your nighttime routine!
- Take magnesium glycinate every night for an extra boost of relaxation. Here is the brand I take from Amazon!
- You could also take some melatonin to get you back into a good sleep routine and then wean off of it. I like the ones from Olly for kids because they also have l-theanine in them which can help you relax.
- Drink some sleepy time tea which can help you relax and fall asleep easier.
Rumination and Loneliness at Night:
These can lead to feeling depressed in the morning.
One great way to prevent this is to journal! Journaling can get all the negative things out of your brain and allow you to get some sleep instead of ruminating on negative thoughts all night long. It has helped me so much to get out some of my negative or even positive thoughts before going to bed. This allows my brain to actually relax. You can also make a to-do list for the next day so you know you won’t forget anything.
Another way is to journal throughout the day so that you don’t have to stay awake before bed.
Morning depression is not always preventable, but with these tips, I know that you can help it so much!
I struggle with depression, and sometimes it is really difficult in the mornings. There is no real-time solution to help it after you wake up, but you can help prevent it with these tips.
Well, There You Go!
This post was all about why depression is worse in the morning!
Preventing depression in the morning is all about thinking ahead and acting ahead of time.
My biggest takeaways for you would be to improve your sleep and how you eat. If you can help those things, then you will help your morning depression!