brushing your teeth feels like a chore

9 Reasons Brushing Your Teeth Feels Like A Chore And How To Fix It

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Do you feel like brushing your teeth is a chore?? Then here are all the best tips and tricks to get you out of bed and have a cleaner mouth!

Brushing your teeth feels like a chore

I know that sometimes I think to myself “Brushing your teeth feels like a chore??” And then I realize that I am slipping into depression and need to do a few things to start moving myself out of it!

This post is all about why brushing your teeth feels like a chore and some ways that you can fix it!

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Here Are 9 Reasons Brushing Your Teeth Feels Like A Chore And Some Recommendations To Fix It!

1. You Got Into Bed Too Quickly

Getting under some cozy blankets with TikTok pulled up and water next to your bed is the best feeling. But when you forget to brush your teeth it can ruin the whole experience.

Take a moment to get ready for bed before even plugging your phone in. Don’t let yourself sit down until it is time to sleep.

This kinda goes for any tasks you need to get done that day. For me, I don’t get into bed until all my blogging is done for the day. That means even though I can type in bed, I don’t.

My Recommendations:

  • Keep a list of what you need to get done on top of your bed so that you know what you need to have done before you can get into bed.
  • Have your bed made as a reminder to get everything done before you hop into the crisp sheets.

2. You Waited Too Long To Brush Your Teeth

Sometimes you get into bed thinking you will get up and brush your teeth in an hour or so, but then you get all comfy and you don’t feel like doing it anymore.

Instead of waiting until right before you go to sleep to brush your teeth, get it done right after your last meal or drink of the night so that you don’t forget later on!

My Recommendation:

  • After you are finished eating, go ahead and brush your teeth. If you decide to get a snack later, that’s okay! Your teeth just need to be brushed at least twice a day to prevent tartar buildup.
  • Keep a clean dry toothbrush with a case on it by your bed so you can scrub your teeth at a bare minimum. Here is a cute cover you can purchase on Amazon.
brushing your teeth feels like a chore

3. Your Bathroom Is A Mess

I know that when I am going through a depressive episode or am simply just too stressed my bedroom and bathroom are the first places to go from tidy to horrific. That is why we kinda need to look out for this so we know that we are starting to get stressed out or depressed.

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In the meantime, we’ve gotta brush our teeth, so making some space for you to walk in and out of your bathroom is key.

My Recommendations:

4. You Are Still Hungry

When you are still hungry you don’t want to brush your teeth because you know you are just gonna have to brush them again or you will taste mint when eating a late-night snack.

There are a few solutions to this that you might not want to hear, but just hear me out!

My Recommendations:

  • Eating more protein and fiber will help keep you fuller longer. Try to get in some extra beans and lentils if you are looking for a cheap source of fiber and protein.
  • Stay away from empty calories as much as you can. Instead of filling up on chips and queso, eat a few and then move on to a nutrient-dense side dish or entre to balance out your meal.
brushing your teeth feels like a chore

5. You’re Not Drinking Water In Bed

If you bring a drink up to bed that isn’t water then you aren’t going to want to brush your teeth. You have to be really careful about what you are drinking right before bed because if it is sugary then all that sugar will sit on your teeth and build plaque super quickly.

A simple solution is to drink water, but here are a few other options:

My Recommendations:

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6. Your Toothpaste Is Too Minty

When you feel overwhelmed by the taste of your toothpaste you are never going to brush your teeth. That is why it is so important to look at your oral care routine and see what is causing your mouth to light up.

Sometimes it can actually wake you up to brush your teeth with such a strong toothpaste, so I want you to look around and find a milder toothpaste.

My Recommendations:

7. You Don’t Have An Easy Routine

When building out your routine, it is important to think about the ease with which you can accomplish it and balance that with necessities and what is best for you!

My Recommendations:

  • Have a few different lists in your bathroom depending on your energy level. So maybe on a sleepy night, you don’t need to do that extra toner, but on a night where you have plenty of energy maybe you scrape your tongue and put on a face mask!
  • Having one simple toothpaste and toothbrush can make all the difference. Put all the floss and mouthwash under the sink so that you can start building up a simpler routine that you can slowly add more onto later. Here is a link to my storefront for this post and it contains some great products that will simplify your routine! (Also in my storefront are some extra products that I am obsessed with!)
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8. Social Pressure Sharing A Bathroom

When sharing a bathroom with someone it can be embarrassing to brush your teeth in front of other people. This can cause kinda the opposite effect where you decide you just won’t brush your teeth in fear of them seeing you spit into the sink.

My Recommendations:

9. You Are Depressed

Now this one is hard because I am not going to give you any recommendations except to talk to someone close to you or a healthcare professional. If you have thoughts of harming yourself, please call the suicide hotline at 988.

But I do notice that brushing my teeth isn’t something I lose very quickly, it is usually my bedroom that goes first, but if it does get to that stage then I know it is time to incorporate more self-care, talk to my therapist, and get cracking on my productivity!

Do you want to try any of these products I talked about? Here is a link to my storefront that contains all of these products and more! Follow me to find great products that you will never want to put down!

This post Was All About Why Brushing Your Teeth Feels Like A Chore

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