13 Straightforward Tips To Improve Your Mental Health
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This post is all about tips to improve your mental health!

Learning how to take care of our mental health is a part of growing up and becoming an adult.
Most parents don’t teach how to be mentally healthy and it can be hard to model when they don’t know how to be healthy either. That is why it is so important to educate yourself about self care and mental wellness.
This post is all about tips to improve your mental health!
1. Journal More Often
Now this might not feel straightforward, but hear me out. If you aren’t journaling at all, then journaling once a week is way better than never journaling at all. Look at where you are now and determine what a good goal is for your journaling routine. Maybe you only journal once a week, maybe every other day, or maybe multiple times a day! Deciding how often you would like to journal should take some thought because if you choose a goal that is too low or too high then you won’t want to do it or you won’t get the benefits that you desire.
Here are some benefits of journaling:
- You learn more about yourself and how you think.
- You can look back at where you were and see how far you have come.
- Journaling boosts your memory and creativity.
- Your communication skills will improve.
2. Read Books
All types of books are good for your mental health, but if I were to choose one for you to read it would be any of the five minute therapy books. The most popular of these books is Unf*ck Your Brain which is all about anxiety, depression, anger, freakouts, and triggers. Don’t be afraid to read fiction too. Fiction can help you to learn things you would’ve never known without reading it. For example, when reading A Court Of Silver Flames, I learned about meditation and mindfulness and I was able to apply that to my own life.
If you need some book recommendations, fiction or otherwise, here are some of my favorites!
3. Take Care Of Your Hygiene
The first thing to do when you are struggling with your mental health is usually personal hygiene or cleanliness in general. So to stay on top of this will help you gauge where you are mentally. For example, if you brush your teeth twice a day and then all of a sudden you can’t get yourself to brush your teeth at all you know that your mental health is struggling. By the way, if you struggle to brush your teeth, then check out this blog post about why brushing your teeth feels like a chore.
It can be hard to know what is most important when it comes to personal hygiene, if that is you, then here are the most vital personal hygiene tasks!
- Brushing your teeth
- Wearing deodorant
- Washing your face and body
4. Have A Night Time Routine
Having a routine that you do every night will help your brain and body get ready for sleep and help you to get deeper sleep overall. The routine is also nice for your mind because you know exactly what is going to happen. Having some consistency and control over what you do every day can be so rewarding and comforting.
Here is an example nighttime routine that I use almost every single night!
- Light yoga for 5 minutes to start winding down.
- Take any medicine and vitamins I need to take for the day.
- Brush my teeth.
- Do my skincare routine.
- Brush my hair.
- Lay down and read on my Kindle for 20-45 minutes.
- Go to sleep!
5. Invest In Your Sleep
Sleep is so important for your mental health and I cannot understate that. Getting an appropriate amount of deep sleep can make all the difference when it comes to your mental well-being and growing to be a better person. Mental health isn’t all about how your mind affects you, but how it affects others as well. Do you ever feel like a kind and loving person when you get minimal sleep? Probably not. That is just one example of many as to why sleep is so important for our mental health.
Here are some sleep products I recommend to get the ultimate sleep.

6. Regular Exercise
There’s really no way of getting around exercise if you are trying to improve your mental health. exercise is the best way to improve your mood and make you feel better and stronger. If you are trying to increase your focus, then exercise is also for you. Exercise and working out tells your brain “I can do it!” which, in turn, gives you the confidence to tackle other obstacles in your life.
If you aren’t exercising at all right now, try doing a few pushups, situps, or other exercises that you enjoy. See how you feel after you do them! I can almost asure you that you will feel more powerful and capable if you start exercising more than you are now. Try to bump up your exercising by 5%, don’t think of it as a drastic change you are making in your life, instead think of it as an increase!
You don’t have to change your whole lifestyle to get the benefits of regular exercise. Waking up 20 minutes earlier to go on a walk and get a few minutes of stretching in could be the best thing for you!
7. Connect With Friends
Don’t be afraid to reach out to others for connection and support. Connnection is such a vital part of our mental health and can make us that much healthier. Friends and family should be your go-to for when you are struggling because that is what they are there for! If you don’t feel comfortable reaching out to anyone, you will need to look into therapy or finding friends that you trust more wholely.
Here are some easy ways to connect with others!
- Send memes or social media posts to those you think would enjoy them.
- When you think of someone, let them know!
- Go on an early morning walk or hike with some friends to combine exercise and connection.
8. Meditation and Mindfulness
I really should talk about meditation and mindfulness more because these have been essential parts of my life for a few years now. Meditation has helped me take a breather from my day and it feels like it slows down time for a little while. Mindfulness helps me to stay present in my day and not worry about the past or the future. When I am able to stay present, I have been able to reach my goals faster and just focus on the task at hand.
To help me in my mindfulness and meditation journey, I like to journal. While I know I have already talked about journaling in this post, but I think it is so important for our mental health. Journaling helps us to stay present throughout the day and to slow down and improve ourselves. If you can’t afford therapy, then journaling is the place to start because it can help you tremendously.
9. Establish A Routine
Routines are probably the most important tips for improving your mental health! Routines give you a sense of control and responsibility you can’t get from many other places in your life. If you have a set routine, then you know how important it is to stick to it and to be religious about it.
If you need some habits to add to your routine, here are a few simple habits you can add that won’t make you feel drained afterward, in fact, they will help increase your energy and inspire you to be better.
- Do balancing exercises, whether you do this through yoga poses or working out, balance helps with focus and can give you a light workout without tiring you out if you don’t have time to eat a balanced meal.
- Eat breakfast, this will help you to be hungry later on throughout the day and it keeps you on a food schedule.
- Go on a light walk, walking will help you to wake up and get out jitters or anxiety that you might be feeling.
- Take your vitamins! I recommend a multivitamin of your choosing, fish oil, and magnesium glycinate. These in combination help with anxiety, ADHD, and depression symptoms.
Using all of these habits in conjunction will help you to stay consistent and keep you healthy and happy. Drinking enough water is also a great option for all people and it is a relatively easy habit to start and stick to.
10. Limit Substance Use
Whether you struggle with an addiction or not, substances will affect your mental health. When you drink, you might notice that you will feel depressed or just down the next day, nicotine can cause anxiety, and caffiene can cause anxiety as well. Whatever you rely on, see how far you can cut it down and write down what differences you feel when you do use them versus when you don’t.
Perscription medications from your doctor are a different story, listen to your doctor and communicate if you are struggling with your mental health, because you never know when a medication can start having negative side effects on you!
Instead of drinking alcohol, try stocking a bar with mocktail ingredients! It is fun to create new combinations and sharing them with friends. Not all alcohol is bad, but limiting your drinking can help improve your mental health dramatically!
11. Connect With Nature
Spending time in nature is God’s gift to us for our mental health. Just go sit outside and think! If you want to spice things up a little bit? Try outdoor journaling!
If you already spend plenty of time outside, try creating an outdoor routine! This can mean putting on your specific outdoor clothes or slathering up in sunscreen. Putting in a little extra effort into yourself when going outside can allow you to feel at ease and bring you peace and control.
12. Learn Stress Management Techniques
Stress is caused by an increase in cortisol which can have negative effects on your health in general. Learning some stress management is the best of the tips to improve your mental health.
13. Set Realistic Goals
Assessing your goals regularly is crucial for staying on track and adapting to changes in your life. Setting goals once a year might not capture the evolving nature of your ambitions and circumstances. Here are some ideas to help you get specific and effective with your goal-setting process:
- Earn 15% more than you did last year.
- Buy a home in the next year.
- Start the small business you have been dreaming of.
You want to make sure that you are specific, but not too specific that you lose track of the real goal. Here are some more tips and tricks for goal setting:
- Vague goals like “get in shape” or “save money” can be challenging to achieve because they lack specificity. Instead, define your goals with clarity, such as “lose 10 pounds in three months” or “save $500 per month for a vacation.”
- Goals should be measurable so that you can track your progress. Use metrics like numbers, percentages, or specific milestones to gauge how close you are to achieving your objectives.
- Large goals can feel overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks or sub-goals. This approach makes progress more tangible and helps you stay motivated.
This Post Was All About Tips To Improve Your Mental Health
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