7 Insanely Easy Ways To Incorporate Self Care at Work
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Your emotional health is so important, and that is why there are some great tips and tricks that GOD HIMSELF has passed down to us for self-care at work.
These self-care practices have completely transformed my work hours in the best way. I aim to create a healthy work-life balance for myself by taking some fresh air breaks, getting some physical exercise in, and not going on social media during work hours. These are just a few ways that I enjoy keeping my personal life and work life separate.
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1. Read A Good Book
Now I am not recommending reading during your work day… But it can be a nice reprieve to read when you have a break or two. My biggest recommendation is to not play on your phone during your break. This will make the time pass too quickly and you won’t be able to enjoy it!
Read this article I wrote about why you shouldn’t be on your phone when you are on break!
I have been reading every day for months now and it has completely changed my life. Listening to an audiobook while doing dishes takes my mind off the task and lets me just relax. It is mindless to listen to a book while doing a physical task. If your job allows you to listen to books, sign up for Audible Plus through my affiliate link and you will get two books for free!
2. Take A Real Lunch Break
It can be very tempting to not take your lunch break in favor of getting more work done and getting out on time or early. BUT it is so important to have boundaries with yourself and others. Taking a short break gives your brain time to rest and your body to relax.
My Recommendations:
- Bring yourself lunch with this cute lunchbox (this one is courdroy with little strawberries on it!) and this fun bento box to force yourself to take the time to eat and relax.
- Boost your energy levels by enjoying your new habits and lunch break!

3. Flesh Out Your Mindfulness Practices
Being mindful in every situation is a great way to incorporate self-care at work. When you are at your job, it can be hard to find the time for self-care, but mindfulness can be something super easy that no one has to know or see.
If you get anxious about public forms of self-care, mindfulness is a great private way to take care of yourself and your mental health.
Your emotional well-being is so important and mindfulness is a great practice for personal time. The importance of self-care cannot be overstated! Take some deep breaths, be your best self, and get some physical activity in!
Mindfulness cards are a great resource when you don’t know where to start. Check out my storefront which has all my favorite products for mindfulness.

4. Set Boundaries
Boundaries are so important for a healthy mind. Its so important I have already talked about it once in this article!
Do not let your coworkers or bosses abuse your kindness or willingness to help. Make sure you are working exactly what your contract says and don’t take extra breaks.
Boundaries with yourself are also important for your self care at work. You should be putting in the work when you are there. A boundary with yourself will feel like hard work for awhile, but then you will feel so much more fulfilled and satisfied with yourself. Don’t always go above and beyond if that will tear you down, but when you have the energy and ability, go for it!
Employee self-care and employee well-being has to be a priority for your work place, so talk to your boss about a work environment that is more conducive to your self-care plan! Remote work is a great option!
5. Take Your Sick Days
You have your pto for a reason! Don’t let your PTO go to waste when you have every reason to take it!
If you are sick, don’t go to work. Your physical health is just as important as the company you work for I am sure of it! As a boundary with yourself, do not work when you are not feeling well. This can make an unhealthy habit where you prioritize your job over yourself.
It’s important to prioritize your health when you are feeling stressed out! Take some time to think about how you can prepare for your sick days and what you would like to do on them. You probably just want to sit around and watch TV which is great! Visualize it, think about the show you want to watch, and how comfy you will get in your blankets, and then move on with your day.Â
I have a really cute diffuser on my storefront with the BEST SMELLING essential oil that will make you feel so fancy. If you need a new diffuser then you should definitely check it out because it is pretty inexpensive and would look great on a work desk!

6. Think About Your Spiritual Self Care
Self care doesn’t just have to do with the mental and physical, think about the spiritual!
As a Christian, I like to take time to pray and read a few verses on my breaks and throughout the day. Depending on your religion or spiritual beliefs, you can pray, meditate, drink moon charged water or whatever you’d like!
There are infinite ways to tap into your spiritual self, but I am not super knowledgeable for religions outside of my own, so here is a great article all about it!
7. Take Walking Meetings
Your physical well-being is also important! There are different ways to approach a walking meeting, but you can phrase it as a fun new thing to do! Maybe walk to grab a coffee while in your meeting. Tell them you are working on your physical self-care and that you’ll just need to grab your water bottle on the way out!
A walking meeting is a great way to get some extra steps in while still enjoying your meeting and getting stuff done!

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